Styles of Floor Plans – Guest Post by Show It Better
Floor plans are perhaps the most primitive form of architectural representation, and also the most fundamental and important to understand architectural project.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common floorplan styles!
Poche floor plan
A French term referring to the solid spaces between walls. On an architectural floor plan, a poche is the parts in solid black. When we create a poche-type floor plan we give visual hierarchy to the solid spaces in the project.
Cartesian floor plan
A floor plan that accentuates the cartesian grid of the project or site. This is typical in modern architecture like, Mies van der Rohe’s floor plans. It indicates the grid on which the floor was designed and its relation to its context.
Shadow floor plan
Although mostly used in site plans, a dark shadow floor plan gives importance to the volume of the building, and its elevation in the context of the project.
Detailed use floor plan
Chairs, plants, people, trees, clothes, This is all part of the life of a normal building, then why not include it in the plan? Why not include each way the building is going to be used, give equal relevance to a bed as to a window or a wall.
Guest Post by Show It Better