Four Step Shop
TEAM: Caitlin Paridy, Canadian, University of Waterloo School of Architecture
SELECTED BY: Carlo Ratti – Director of the MIT Senseable City Lab Founder and Director of Carlo Ratti Associati
-WINNER of BUYING Competition
Reconnect to the process.
#omniscient #ethical #custom #transparency #connectivity
Over time consumers have become increasingly separate from the origin and development of objects surrounding them; no longer experiencing and appreciating the time and energy involved. Four Step Shop seeks to reverse this, by giving customers the power to create and experience their perfect item. We are filling unloved spaces with a system that gives customers access to how their product is being made, who is creating it, and the impact it has on the system.
Here’s how:
Select your desired object.
View and investigate resource production and factories. Don’t like how they treat their employees or how much greenhouse gases they emit? Compare and select another.
Feel the materials and designs offered via sensory projection. Experience the products and their cost so that you might pick exactly what you need.
Assemble your selections based on your requirements, confirm, and view the total financial, environmental, and societal cost of your product.
But the personalization doesn’t stop here!
PAY using cash, by recycling and donating the equivalent amount, or by working off your footprint with Four Step Shop certified programs based on the total cost.
Reclaim your power as consumers and come experience a new personalized omniscient shopping experience.