TEAM: Irene Pascual Adell – Nationality: Spain
-FINALIST of BUYING Competition
A breakthrough in shopping reinvesting commuting times
#smartcommuting #Squeezeyourtime #grocerySubway #bushop #abcabinets
Everyday we experience the same time-consuming routines while commuting. It is widely perceived as one of the most purposeless acts, nontheless, we spend increasingly hours both commuting, and making our daily trips to the grocery shop. What if the time spent on either subway or bus didnt go to waste? We have come up with what could become the ABC of commuting!
We propose an easy, on the go, way of doing your gorcery-shopping for all basic needs, while commuting. It is projected to offer different types of shops for the most various needs: from clothing stores to supermarkets, electronic and stationary stores; though this bussiness model could be tailored for whichever other retailing purposes. Different subway or buslines could be timetabled according to the various needs, giving you different shopping choices within the same routes; you may hop on line 146 at 18.00 whose supermarket offers you the option of buying shaving-cream, or choose subway line G at 18.02 for some late mothers-day gift buying in the bookstore train car.
Store cabinets are modular structures, aimed to be fitted according to the retailing purpose; consisting of single, double or triple 70x70cm easy-assembling cabinets, made of wood and metal.