Mirror Therapy
Name: Zeling Chen
Nationality: Chinese
Institution / Company:
During the pandemic, social interactions changes a lot comparing to normal times. Face to face interaction between family members (roommates) happens much more than social interactions. As a result, conflicts between family members and loneness increases both. Therefore, a proper social distance among relatives and neighbors should be modified, not too near and not too far.
My project, Mirror Therapy explores the possibility of mirror in pandemic in our living space. Mirror is kind of medium that keep people in proper distance while communicating. People could talk when looking at each other in mirror. Mirrors build visual relationship on zigzagging mountain road. Mirror links spaces on different directions, help people maintain social distance and establish social interaction at the same time.
The idea of mirror leads to the pinwheel-shaped diagram. It becomes Core of Mirror in the block, providing social interaction in each quarter and visual relationship within the core (may works differently in different period). In units, the pinwheel-shaped pattern developed into movable walls, which provides splitting and merging possibilities of rooms, shared and public area, and people’s lives.
#Household Organization, #Loneliness, #Co-habitation & Relationships, #Protected Social Interactions,