Start up in Taiga
Personal Info
Name: Skorduli Tatiana
Nationality: Russia
Institution / Company: self-employed
-HONOURABLE MENTION of Non Architecture Award Competition | Category: Aspatial
It is time to re-discover the Siberian taiga, not with the aim of conquering and extracting resources, but with the aim of protecting and preserving the valuable taiga landscape. The taiga forest is a national and global heritage, but thanks to global satellite monitoring, the transformation of the Russian forest into a huge conveyor for the destruction of intact landscapes is obvious. The irreversible process takes place in remote uninhabited territories, pursuing exclusively economic and exploitative goals.
Today the russian forest sector, destroyed after the collapse of the USSR and rapidly recovering, is facing a unique historic opportunity for the creation of a fundamentally new forest sector. The new forestry, in my opinion, will be able to establish a new relationship with the forest, pushing it beyond the realm of extraction and industry towards coexistence. New forestry as a new identity of uninhabited Siberian territories, raising awareness of sustainable landscapes approaches and thinking, creating shared values and establishing a dialogue between nature and industry.
The aim of the project is a scenario for the settlement in the taiga on the territories traversed by industry in order to restore, maintain and create a protective belt, which, due to intensive forest use, will ensure the preservation of valuable landscapes and provide the industry with wood. Intensive forestry is based on innovations and technologies, new techniques and advanced knowledge. In my project, I try to arrange the life of a forest(ry) community in a landscape without harming the ecosystem, but fully adapting to it.
Project Type: settlement project in areas usually not intended for human habitation with a global mission
Jury Comments
– Fosbury Architecture
The contribution presents a laudable project proposal, as well as sensitive and consistent representation. Convincing in both writing and imagery.