Name: Johan Navarro
Nationality: Panama
Institution / Company: Estudio panamétrico
-HONOURABLE MENTION of Hong Kong Drone Port Competition
As a vibrant and changing city, the price for the booming construction industry in Hong Kong comes with lots of challenges: high labor cost, pollution, pandemics and climate concerns, push us to diversify our dense cities through a more promising approach: an air prefabricated method of connection, for more control of the building process. To achieve this, an algorithm was built based on WFC (Wave function collapse) in which we can stablish strict and non-deterministic relationships between each “room” and its “bridges”.
Every module place uses based on the scale of the drone shipment, from small drones for daily commutes to large drones for heavy packages and emergencies. It also offers space for offices and resting, with some modules equipped with solar panels for sustainable energy consumption. All connected through “pipes” in which packages circulate.
On an urban scale, satellite ports are built on hospitals, universities and other urban equipment. At the center of the city, the principal drone station manages the Central district beside the General Post Office, building an air network for every drone flight categorized by scale.
The Hong Kong Drone Module dictates an answer: complement the urban tissue of Hong Kong.
#airmobiliy #dailycommutes #emergenciesandaccidents #publictransport #co2emissions&energyconsumption