Name: David Volarević
Nationality: Croatian
Name: Anita Nedić
Nationality: Croatian
-EDITORIAL PICK of Powerless City Competition
Due to unprecedented rise of sea levels, towns have once again become fortified islands. No longer protecting itself against other tribes and nations, as in the past, towns now need to protect themselves against the nature itself. High mega structures, Seatadels, have been erected around the cities that would otherwise be submerged due to the coast moving inland.
Towns rely on fortifications not only for the protection, but also for harnessing sea energy and transforming it into power to supply the city. Point absorbers riding the waves in front of fortifications rise and fall with waves and press pistons that drive turbines in the structure. Slits just above the sea level harness the energy of sea tides and waves that drive the turbines with water input.
Above the machines that constantly harness sea energy there are operating rooms and laboratiories for sea studies. Since there is limited space in overpopulated cities, fortifications also house all programs you can find in the city. Above the city on the wallt there are solar panels for harnessing solar energy. Power is than distributed to the rest of the city, keeping it going afloat in the sea.
#fortification #sea #wave #tide #hydropower