TEAM: Brahic_Thibaut, Brahic_Julien, French, ENSAV&T, ENSAVS
A state in a state
We believe that sport and training have to become a daily activity, source of evasion, a place of expression where we can practice alone, with one’s family or even with friends. We think that the physical effort is a social catalyst, which can become an urban and personal practice at the same time.
It then seemed essential to us to decentralize the places of practice and multiply them. We thought about a network of sports pavilions, implanted on an imaginary grid, reachable from home in less than three minutes.
The intention here is to give an easy access to sport. A grid is spread out in the urban mesh without any limits, it is flexible regarding to the different cities and densities. It is then no longer a huge centralised pole but it’d rather be a hundred small ones.
Each pavilion is thought in this same generic logic : a grid of prefabricated elements, able to adapt the indoor sport pavilions to the sites and their needs. It is a kind of unlimited regression.
In the idea of neutrality, these boxes are autonomous volumes, spread out in the territory in an abstract way, freed from the constraints of the existing urban shapes.