Freedom Glasses
TEAM: Caterina Stefano – Argentina – UBA
Giving the power back to the consumer.
#consciousshopping #powertothepeople #onlywhatuwant #adfree #backtobasics
How much of an influence has our current society in our choices, our tastes our aspirations?
If you stop and think why you buy what you buy what would be the answer?
We are bringing back the power of free choice to you, by erasing the distractions of the shiny things you think you need, but you really don’t, you know?
If you, as we all, recognize that reducing your unnecessary consumption is something you should do, you can try by yourself, but if you fail, how easy would it be to grab a pair of glasses and go out to enjoy life without the mental pollution of the ads that surround us?
We invite you to try.
And if not, do it for our sponsors, who we thank:
- The planet Earth L.L.C.
- L.A.O.T.W. -Still living animals of the world-
- Human race.