Society of Virtuality
TEAM: Niko (Seong) Hur, South Korean
Society of Virtuality
Virtual beyond Visual
The visual representation of space and object has come a long way since the very first scribble on a cave wall by the first man. The successful visualization of the three-dimensionality of our world onto the two-dimensional planes have evolved from palpable yet perishable drawings to digital yet intangible graphics on screens. Realistic as these projections may seem, what we perceive with our vision can and will never replace the other senses: touch, smell, hear, and taste.
Society of Virtuality extrapolates on the idea of virtual reality and graft it to the physical activity and entertainment that we all love: sports. What if the VR system allows us to exercise in our living rooms to stay fit and yet virtually be in a gym? What if the technology augments athletes to train and compete virtually in a computer-simulated arenas? And what if anyone at any given time can join the competition as spectator remotely, yet still sense all five perceptions as in reality?