Julita Banaszak, Poland
In praise of death through emptiness and matter.
#clarity #connection #cluster #contrast #circulation
An endless cycle.
Chaos leading to order. Death and life intertwine, not opposing but complementary. Through perceiving dying as a condition of living, inevitable and natural, the burial place connects with the urban landscape. The world of the dead encircles the world of the living, shaping the space in-between imagined as the area of the sacrum.
Vegetation, as an organic contrast to the ascetic architecture, gives protection from surroundings. The use of rough materials and lowering in the ground, provide isolation and tranquility. Spotlights emphasize the intangible character of the area – void and matter as a symbolic representation of death and life.
Clustering urns into doubled rings in the ground allows better space usage and gives a clearing in the center for contemplation. The structure is not secluded from the urban tissue, but through its form, neither hidden nor dominant, it unites with the city and recalls that death is a part of human life.
As time goes by, memorial expands, with each urn the light fountain bursts brighter.
As time goes by, nature expands, trees cover the hollows blending them into the landscape.
An endless cycle of life and death.