IKEA Russia offers: 6 Ways to Make Furniture Forts
Here is a way for you to have fun in these boring quarantine days with your kids -or could be just for you to feel as a kid after all these tiring years!
IKEA Russia’s new quarantine campaign offers you instructions, which are created by Russian agency Instinct, on how to make indoor forts and tents made from household goods such as blankets, sofas, pillows and chairs. Exactly how we used to do!
You may also share your creations on social media using the hastag #StayHome as Ikea Russia is asked.
Have fun!
Source of article
Client: Ikea Russia
Anna Fokina, marketing communication manager
Olya Belyaeva, communications leader
Yulia Prygunkova, social media leader
Agency: Instinct
Creative directors: Roman Firainer, Yaroslav Orlov
Creative group heads: Antonina Pirogova, Evgeny Golovan
Creative designer: Elena Kravchenko
Client service director: Marina Vershinina
Group account director: Irina Gornov