From individual community to society
Vanda Trifunović
To be alive has become a single goal. It’s defined as „continuing in existence or use, to be active, having interest and meaning”. Things we used to do, people we used to interact with, places we used to escape to, all are now unreachable cravings, forbidden fruits. Switching from real space into a virtual one produced a desire for a real space even stronger than before. Ghost stories used to be reserved for children to put them in the state of banal fear in order to create a certain role-play of authority and obedience. Now as the invisible virus is becoming omnipresent but still untameable, ghost is more real than ever and it can turn against anyone, at any time. With pandemic overshadowing our existence, we are forced to solemnly base our existence on virtual parts of our lives, inside our rooms. It’s well-known that children thrive both physically and emotionally while being physically active, it broadens their desire to explore, to learn that they are. But now, we are not only encouraged but forced to become alienated from ourselves in order to preserve ourselves. We are becoming an organic l’art pour l’art. In this world completely dictated by awareness of its fragile temporarity, we must quickly shift from bare existing to actual living. To (re)create a stable reality, we need to start from community based on individual(s), gradually expanding to shared activities, than growing into fully regenerated society. Individual units are overlooking each other, with central void waiting to be filled with shared activities and functions. As the units multiply, void is getting larger, and more communal bubbles appear. That way society becomes community of connected strong individuals rather than a batch of isolated beings floating in a fearful limbo of paralyzed standing still.