SuBLane!: Subterranean Urban Bike Lane
Name: Gero SUHNER
Nationality: German
Institution / Company: Gero Suhner, Architect
-FINALIST of Street of Tomorrow Competition
When thinking of streets, surface level throughways and public spaces come to mind. On the other hand, in urban areas, tunnels or underpasses could also be describes as streets. However, these are often gloomy, dirty and therefore scary spaces for many.
Future mobility should be CO2-free, simple, cheap and fun, which is cycling. However, only a few people cycle all year round. Frequently, there are no bike lanes. New fast lanes need space, which is only possible through conversions of our car-centered cities.
SuBLane! is a subterranean urban bike lane, providing year-round bicycling. Through the conversion of former car tunnels, which will be opened at the top and fitted with translucent PV-modules to supply the surrounding neighborhoods with energy. Its side walls are greened as Living Wall, so new livable spaces will be created.
Bright surface colors prevent unpleasant heating in summer and, together with the greening, avoid the impression of a scary space. The integrated irrigation system for subterranean bike lanes (ISSUB) collects rainwater at surface level, cools and cleans the walls.
Pocket parks on top create new leisure areas for existing neighborhoods. The underground lanes are separated by speed to ensure safe riding for all ages and interests.
#Slow mobility: Cycling and Pedestrians, #Travelling for Leisure, #Daily Commutes, #Green-blue streets, #CO2 emissions & energy consumption