By Baukunst
HRTLND is a carless, moneyless, global, Type 1 / Resource Based Economy (RBE) civilization for all mankind. It once and for all, brings order to a chaotic and unequitable planet. It combines housing, farming, transportation, energy, manufacturing, water supply/treatment, wastewater treatment, food service, entertainment, recreation, and other necessities into one comprehensive system. It is defined by 3 basic components as follows.
1. Idealized cities (URBs), laid out on a 5 X 5 mile nominal grid. The URBs are self-contained with utility endcaps. Electrical substations, water treatment, and reservoir to the North. Wastewater treatment to the South. Biomass / recycling to the West. On the East side is a temporary construction staging area, rail maintenance / stock yards, concrete batching plants, and livestock grazing area.
2. 23 candidate global campus sites. URBs are configured in a mat and served by a network of umbilici (rail, power, water lines) that tie into a main, industrial, power spine. Spines terminate at major port facilities. Resources and materials are shipped in, to feed said campus. Present-day Argentina, Somalia, and Ukraine, to name just a few.
3. Policies and constitution as supporting compendiums to points above.
Summary of modes of transportation keyed on Plates 1 and 2.
A. High speed North-South running passenger and freight trains
B. Slower speed East – West running passenger, freight, trash, livestock products trains
C. Intermediate train stations with rooftop VTOL port for electric battery powered vehicles
D. Main hub train stations with medical functions above
E. Bicycles (human powered) for transit along pedestrian-oriented agora mews
F. Electric scooters for transit along pedestrian-oriented agora mews
G. Electric carts for transit along pedestrian-oriented agora mews
H. Electrical construction and service vehicles for transit along construction road
J. Nuclear powered ships. Container, barge, tanker.
K. Ship-to-shore cranes for container movement