NONA TALKS: Award 1.0

Dear Non Architecture Community,


We have exciting news:

NONA TALKS are officially started!


You may find the details of the event, the first of which will be held on:

Tuesday, October 25th at 6PM GMT+2 on Discord.


What is the motivation for participating a competition? Is it award? Or maybe personal growth? How to start the design process? Which path you should take? A discussion of these questions – and more!

// Dafni Filippa
– Winner of Non Architecture Award – Aspatial | Fluid Strata
– Honourable Mention of Non Architecture Award – Landscape, Urban & Waterless World Competition | Fluid Strata

// AFAB Architecture
– Winner of Non Architecture Award – Landscape | Post-Columbus Route
– Honourable Mention of Non Architecture Award – Landscape & Urban & Aspatial | Post-Columbus Route & Vibrant Matter
– Finalist of Non Architecture Award – Aspatial | Ceci n’est Pas Une Bibliotheque
– Finalist of Non Architecture Award – Landscape | Most Beautiful Toilet Ever

// Aashti Miller
– Winner of Non Architecture Award – Landscape | Post-Columbus Route
– Honourable Mention of Non Architecture Award – Landscape & Urban & Aspatial | Post-Columbus Route
– Finalist of Buying & Thinking Competitions

Invitation link to Non Architecture Discord Community: Nonaverse


We are waiting for you all!