Hyper-Learning and Unlearning: Compression: Excursions on Media Ecologies
Name: Xinyue Zhang
Nationality: Chinese
Institution / Company: Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Name: Yue Hua
Nationality: Chinese
Institution / Company: Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Name: Anqi Wang
Nationality: Chinese
Institution / Company: Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Name: Jindi Jia
Nationality: Chinese
Institution / Company: Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
-WINNER of Videogame Architecture: 2 Drawings Competition
The pervasive impact of digital technologies in all aspects of society requires us to rethink notions of knowledge and learning. The current pandemic and the forced shift to online teaching are just the latest example of an ongoing trend of digitizing learning, through online classrooms, MOOCs, video, and interactive tutorials… Digital technologies are not only affecting how we learn, but also what we need to learn, and what is doing the learning. With constant and instant access to information, traditional ways of learning focused on reproducing information are no longer valid. Furthermore, technology is increasingly learning about us, tailoring information to our personal needs based on prior behavior.
The project reflects on the impact of media ecologies on the blurring of digital and material learning environments, questioning the role of educational institutions and infrastructures. By including machine learning, the project speculates on the role of platforms, mixed reality applications, gamification, and questions what skills we must (un)learn as humans navigating Compressed City. Our project explores the blurring of digital and material learning environments in a media-saturated environment: hyper-learning & unlearning. Using architectural education as a case study, it proposes an augmented reality learning system distributed within the city. This system questions the role of the institutions and formalized architectural education as gatekeepers of knowledge on urban design and architecture and proposes to use media technology and data to enable a more open relationship with city and public.
#Virtual Culture #Speculate #Media Ecology #Gamingfacation #keyword #Narrative
Jury Comments
– Freaks Architects
“We were particularly interested by the statement and the way the project aims to handle the learning issues in a post-pandemic world. The illustrations give an accurate fitting-to-reality both sexy and confused vision of the knowledge over-abundance. “