Tower of Confusion – An Optical Illusion Game
Name: Renata
Surname: Lima Bruno de Almeida Trindade
Nationality: Brazilian
Dual Nationality: Portuguese
Institution: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO)
-FINALIST of Videogame Architecture: 2 Drawings Competition
Tower of Confusion is a level designed to be integrated into the amazing game “FEZ”, where the main character “Gomez”, navigates between the 2D and 3D universe. As the game for the most part, takes place in tower navigation, the idea of the Tower of Confusion, comes as a level that would be a kind of vertical maze, based on two main premises:
The first conceptual foundation is the kaleidoscope, where each plateau presents the automation of turning to both sides of the scenario, in a true optical game of illusions.
The second inspiration is the Tower of Babel, this emblematic architectural figure inspired by the Etemenanki (a ziggurat/temple built in the city of Babylon) and present in the Bible that is by itself a general confusion, since in Hebrew, the word BALAL means to confuse, to mix.
Each step has a different challenge, among them, a climbing step, a pipe puzzle, a minefield, a grassy landing with “Easter Eggs” from the classic Mario Bros game, and the final challenge, the “Boss” who is the greatest enemy of urbanism and cities, the dreaded Automobile that turns into a giant “Transformer” in this last stage before victory.
#Kaleidoscope #Puzzle #LimitationAndBoundaries #Mutable #Confusion