Away from City
Name: Siqi Guo
Nationality: Chinese
Institution / Company: Sheppard Robson / Manchester School of Architecture
-HONOURABLE MENTION of Powerless City Competition
With the popularity of modern internet technology, people all over the world can communicate with each other across thousands of miles, distance is no longer a contradiction that limits the development of the world, people are more eager to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a moment of peace. It is a village sits next to a secrete lake, detached but still having the link to the city.
Most of the buildings are hidden behind the vegetation, only a raised platform at the lakeshore is built out of the woods to show the existence of this neighbourhood. Wind turbines, solar panels are built on and off site. To create green energy supply and together with Rainwater harvesting system and biomass energy system to encourage an environmentally sustainable neighbourhood.
Individual blocks combine and grow order less next to the secret lake. As time went by, nature, vegetation, man-made architecture and human activities all involved and shape a different but sustainable village.
#Green Life #Energy Dependency #Away from City #Sustainable #Vegetation