Esoclia : architectural annihilation and biodiversity reconnection analogical to identity loss
Name: Maylis Thobois
Nationality: French
Institution / Company: Master in Architecture in Laval University, Québec, QC Canada
-FINALIST of Archi-Hack: Oil Platform Competition
The Esoclia is a former oil rig which suffered a leeway from Venezuela to the Atlantic garbage patch after a raging storm. Crossing paths with a shipwreck during its journey, the platform turned into a providential vessel for the rescued humans. By transforming its systems and turning every machine into surviving tools -desalinisation of water, oxygen creation, hydrogen production and plastic absorption, its inhabitants turned the vessel into the analogical reconstruction of their identity loss. The shape of the platform comes from a leak in the desalinisation system which began producing an exponential quantity of paste-like salt. As to efficiently use this matter, the inhabitants merged it to epoxy and moulded the resulting batter in wide wireframes recovering the existing structure. Changing the original mass of the platform, it slowly began to sink, leading to yet another analogy, by which the Esoclia would become an artificial reef as a way to heal this altered part of the ocean. The Esoclia’s location allowed it to become this plastic absorbent system, repairing what was harmed after so many years pumping the ocean floor. By annihilating its architecture, the castaways tried to find another way of living, underwater in a living salt-made cave.
#ArchiecturalAnnihilation #FundamentalContiguity #SystemicHealing #Spacio-contextualTaming #IntegratedEnergyProductionSystems