Arctic Museum
TEAM: Natalia Kamińska, Justyna Tchórowska, Artur Górski, Mikołaj Strzelczuk – Poland
In history of mankind we can notice that a lot of valuable things had gone irretrievably and only our imagination can reconstruct those from chronicles and drawings.
A few years ago international community decided to protect priceless, frozen area on the north pole. They have placed big, honeycomb shaped, modular structure on more than 2 millions square kilometers. Glass walls and ceilings where filled with special cooling liquid inside, mostly used to chilling the ice rinks. According to geopolitical conditions structure started where the exclusive economic zone of north states ends – 200 nautical miles from their coasts. It means that arctic countries can take advantage from new trade routes and natural resources, which are available after global warming melted ice in those areas.
Nothing happened. Arctic is still Arctic. People are still coming to enjoy this wonder of nature, full of sculptures shaped by natural processes, placed in endless landscape with all colour ranges of cold.
The area works as a big refrigerator for whole planet, where it plays an active role in cooling the atmosphere and water. It also keeps politicians away from territorial disputes, militarization of the region and drilling in search of oil and gas.