Cloud Steps
TEAM: Konstantinos Grammenidis, Greek, National Technical University of Athens – Georgios Zafeiropoulos, Greek, National Technical University of Athens
The Virtual Dancing Experience
What if, instead of the usual one-way distribution of “fun” opportunities – a number of venues that offer a selection of musicians and DJs, who decide on the selection of music you can dance to for the night – a more democratic approach to dance was achieved, through the means of virtual reality? The Cloud gives everyone the opportunity to be the DJ, the party host, the organiser – and lets everyone else choose to join in or leave. Essentially, you vote by your presence. An endless network of virtual dance spaces and events is formed, taking place nowhere and everywhere, unrestricted by physical limitations such as proximity, space volume, availability of dance venues, your movement capability – but also gravity and the laws of physics. An array of imaginary spaces, crowdsourced by real people, gives the opportunity to connect with different dance communities around the globe and form new ones. It doesn’t matter if you live in the busiest mega-city or a remote village: tonight you make the world dance!