Crude Idea
TEAM: Riccardo Modolo (Italian, TU Delft), Alessio Rapposelli (Italian, IUAV), Alberto Bovo (Italian, IUAV)
“Crude Idea” is an experience inside process of creation. It wants to be a critic to actual expositions and a suggestion for the upcoming society. Nowadays Art and Museums are misunderstood, people are mostly interested on the final forms of art, on its results, interpreting it only as a means of fun. We are losing the soul of Art, the process of creation.
“Crude Idea” is an opportunity where everyone can get in touch with creative process and interact with the exhibits, creating his own walk. Thanks to it we can create a new way of conceiving creative processes and we can have more cultural awareness. It can become a boost to our artistic environment.
The structure is composed by an automatic flying path and many rooms. You can choose by doing
your trip in a passive way or by getting off the course and taking part of the process. Every room
has different objects, each of them gives the opportunity to users to understand their role inside the process.
Start your trip.