NAME: Carlo Alberto
SURNAME: Guerriero
The “Live Cemetery” is the prototype of a new architectural typology that has as its purpose the total distortion of the traditional concept of cemetery. By hybridizing the function of library and cemetery it is intended to provide a completely new place for the memory of the dead, shifting attention to existence and life rather than to what remains of the body. In fact, the “Live Cemetery” does not have lawns and tombstones, but has shelves and books of which the authors themselves are the dead. Each book collects the stories and memories of what has been during life and is therefore unique, exactly as each existence is unique.
In the “Live Cemetery” the dead are precious both for their family members and for the whole community, because for better or for worse every existence is a formidable resource from which to draw infinite life experiences. It would be possible to come across incredible stories that can inspire theatrical or cinematographic works, or in simple reflections, in funny jokes, in unimaginable secrets, in outlandish ideas.
The “Live Cemetery” is a place where the living and the dead meet and know each other freely, overcoming the barrier between life and death through writing.