TEAM: Nikita Marykov (Russian), Morana Mažuran (Croatian)
Museum Alternative Design
Museum design no longer considers intrinsic qualities but rather prioritises external programming: providing the city with a landmark, fitting into a cityscape or stimulating city planning. As a result an overabundance of various forms of architecture has been produced, which are not in dialogue with either the artwork presented within nor the public and the city.
Do we need new museum buildings in our cities? Instead of taking the role of project developer and building new iconic structures to provide commercial success and brand equity, the museum should promote a collaboration between the city and local art community.
Rather than focusing on new museum typology, this project aims to redefine the confrontation between the art and public via the institution of the museum.
It is about avoiding architecture and instead creating voids within the existing urban context; forming temporary project spaces. The content of the museum will be disconnected from its architectural form, allowing it to question, provoke and criticize the context. By inhabiting any different form with a generic space the form is reduced on the pure frame – the spatial frame which will be able to adopt functional defiance and adjust to the dynamics of contemporary art.
The museum of contemporary art is therefore pure content, not architecture.