Eirini Bravou
University of Thessaly
Die Today , Shine Tomorrow
#Necrogram #App #DieTodayShineTomorrow #CreateYourHysterophimia #LivingDeads
Death is not a non living body but a forgotten soul.
Necrogram app consists a guideline on how not to get lost in the ocean of oblivion,
since it stores and projects worlds’ most valuable thing, memories.
It works as a plug-in for Instagram app. People that have already realised that, except from alive, they ‘re also future deads, can download Necrogram and use it in order to create their after death “image” . While they keep uploading on Instagram , they also start saving hidden posts for future, after death publish. Necrogram collects these data and releases a memory film after the user’s death.
Since data is the only thing that never dies or expires, a new type of cemetery appears and it’s inseparable from Necrogram. “Memorial Corridors” -large walls filled with screens- are spread around and play several memory films simultaneously , adding an emotional intelligence to the city.
Near each corridor, users’ memory films pop up on your phone’s screen. You can only fully unlock the private film of those you follow.
Select and slide to play on the wall.
Unique moments of gone people’s lives are passing now through your eyes.These people will never die, since they will always be remembered.