TEAM: Mario García Gil, Marina Miró Gea, Pau Martínez Just – ETSAB
The tourist is the new citizen. Gentrification it ́s consequence. Cities are not designed for their regular users anymore, they are money-making machines nourished by hordes of tourists arriving by land, sea and air from the most remote places around the globe.
For the machine to operate, a set of infrastructures are required. Our proposal intends to occupy them avoiding, to some extent, this gentrification. We say it is not a matter of not building more hotels, it is about coming up with new options that can coexist.
Metros, trams, trains… usually enter into standby overnight. We propose to alter the service. Investment is minimal yet the solution is applicable to any transport in any city. A series of hotel trains provide service through the same tracks where the regular ones go, riding alone or sharing the tracks depending on what time it is.
Your hotel is now also your means of transportation through the city. The night metro service becomes now a traveling hotel that never stops. Grafted on the existing infrastructure, it continues its tireless journey throughout the city. You do not need to go to your hotel anymore, let it come to you.
A brand new type of hotel. Welcome.