TEAM: Posin Wang, Wil Strickland – United States of America
The core ideas of this project have their roots in the relatively recent advances made in the robotics, automobile, and 3D-printing industries. As we move closer to a world of automated transportation (eg. driverless vehicles), and product delivery (eg. Amazon drones) why should we not imagine a world of still greater automation? If a drone can deliver a piece of furniture, why should it not assemble it also?
Omega-Machina represents a complicated network of automated builders. Core stations spread throughout the world house great numbers of “omni-bots” as they complete both individual (small-scale) and team (large-scale) missions as designed and requested by the humans in their sector. Naturally, each omni-bot has its own brand of specialization: omni-harvesters, rugged all-terrain machines, are programmed to scour the Earth for only those resources required by the Omega network, in the most efficient and responsible way possible, of course; omni-drones, swift and nimble, deliver these resources to new-age job sites, ensuring a continual supply of the raw materials needed; omni-makers, with their vast and complicated array of building tools, build. All requests for these creation missions are channeled through the network of core stations and forwarded to relevant omni-bots through satellite transmission. This ensures that only those resources necessary are harvested, allowing for a more responsible destruction of our natural world. This guarantees that only those materials needed are delivered, reducing trash and keeping the loop of materials to production tightly controlled. This system allows for each product to be as identical as possible to it’s original prototype, drastically reducing the need to return, repair, or dispose of malfunctioning goods. Now, lean back, take a deep breath, and watch the future be built around you.