Athanasia Margariti, Greek, School of Architecture / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Eftihia Simoglaki, Greek, School of Medicine / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Equal access to knowledge as the precondition for human evolution
Neuroscience has recently highlighted the importance of the Limbic System and the Hippocampus in the human brain, in the function of memory and the acquirement of knowledge. Decoding the function of other areas of the human brain, involved in processing incoming information and the general synthesis/composition of knowledge, has provided the scientific community with evidence that with the use of implants (e.g. microchips) we can intervene in the connection of neurons and boost the flow of data processed by human brains.
Based on this evidence, we have designed a process of future learning, away from fixed academic environments, big amphitheaters and white classrooms. In particular, users of all ages, statuses and backgrounds are provided with an implanted brain microchip. In every public space they are coming across educational devices, designed to stimulate their imagination and provide them with information about everything (Science, Arts, Literature et. al.). This process includes interaction with other users and data downloading about the subject examined. Teamwork and access to knowledge sources lead to the creation of new ideas, which are then uploaded to the ‘Knowledge Cloud’, completing the circle by distributing the updated knowledge database to the users. The procedure described is continuously repeated.