Re-imagine Art
TEAM: Evdoxia Besmerti, Greek, Institutions Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
If art does represent something, does art represent physical reality, or does art represent the mind’s eye? Could art represent art?
In the research of finding innovative ways to introduce art, comes the idea of recreating already existing art. Extracting hidden meanings, patterns or elements from paintings, sculptures and buildings, new exhibits are composed. These new exhibits could consist of huge walls, single paintings or even small objects.
The meaning behind this is to search for the original piece and not just have it presented in front of you. It’s a visual, spiritual and digital interaction between visitors, the new artist and the exhibits. People are able to see and explore through scanning the exhibits, the inspiration and the procedure of creating it, resulting in finding the prototype.
This project is not about creating a specific building or place. It is certainly not canceling the normal way of introducing art. It’s all about re-imagining and transforming art into “new art” that stands on its own but also re-presents art.