TEAM: Alexander Crosby – Canadian – University of Calgary
SILO aims to show that a factory is not solely for the manufacturing, processing, and assembling of goods, but can in fact become a beacon for communities and urban centers. We are now looking for new ways to feed our cities, without the pressures and strain that modern day production and processing has on our ecological and sociological environments. Moving facilities from regional to urban areas allows for less strain on surrounding habitats, while bringing the products closer to the consumer. SILO brings a network of food production and processing options to an urban environment. These facilities utilize a multitude of production technologies ranging from indoor aquacultures to hydroponics, allowing higher yields and production. These indoor growing technologies combined with flexible food processing and production lines, allows SILO to adapt to the needs of a growing demographic. Flexibility in space allows for a network of SILOs to support each other. Providing market and leisure spaces in SILO’s allow for a closer interaction and connection between people and their food. SILO is a plan to localize food productions and processing, by developing a network of beacons that can sustain and support surrounding communities.