TEAM: Sabrina Man Hay Yeung, Bridgette Celeste Tinsley – aMBitecture
Landing in the bus- tling air- port termi- nal after hours of commuting with very little rest, Paul longs for a quick rest spot before spending the long weekend with his boyfriend, Mark.
Oh, there’s a [STAY]sis pod right next to that board- ing gate… But there’s no time to rest. Today’s schedule is jam packed, first the mall, then the sta- dium, and maybe a drive later in the day…
Trying to get a bit of shut eye on the rat- tling bus was essen- tially impossible, so Paul resulted in gazing out the window to catch some of the city’s scenery.
Hmm, I wonder how’d it feel like staying at a [STAY]sis pod in the park for a night…
Leaving the game to grab their rental car from the garage, Mark went to quick- ly use the bathroom before hitting the road.
Yep, exactly what I thought earlier, another [STAY]sis location. Maybe the question is where can’t I find one?
Arriving at the mall, Paul veered towards the store in mind as he past another [Stay]sis pods unit.
Those things really are everywhere I go…
Getting to the bus station, another [Stay]- sis site loomed close by seem- ingly calling out to Paul for a quick nap. Stepping onto the bus,
Agh, I can’t! It’s gonna cut into my gift picking time!
Yawning with pres- ent in hand, Paul de- cides it was a good idea to grab a quick pick-me-up coffee before meeting Mark at the stadium. And next to the bath- rooms sits a singular [Stay]sis pod.
What?! Another one? In a café?
Weeding through the crowds and finding an easily-locatable spot next to [Stay]sis units, Paul waited for Mark to show up and headed into the game.
As if they need any commercials, they’re everywhere you look! I can literally turn the corner and there’d be one…
Driving out of the city and down the winding mountain road to visit their favorite scenic spot in the area, they were glad to spot a [Stay]sis unit set up closely to their parking rest area.
You know what? There are still pods left, we’ll just stay here to- night! Everything looks clean and comfy with a nice double bed, pull down desk, adjustable light wall, and incredibly easy pay- ment method.