Stress-Free (All in one)
Name: Rasha ZenEddin
Nationality: Syrian Cypriot
Institution: University of Nicosia
Universities are known to be the place where you get your higher education from. At the same time, students are not only asked to learn, they are also asked to find a job, take responsibility, socialize and be healthy. Having a strict educational program causes a lot of problems when it comes to life style because you are demanded with your time and is a leading cause for depression and other mental problems.
so why not to offer all in one? a university where you can manage your timetable by yourself. It’s the place where you can work, be healthy, socialize and learn. The building provides students with job opportunities, swimming passages and pools for keeping their physical and emotional states healthy, and also an educational system that contains capsules. These capsules work based on when you order them and therefore will turn into projectors providing the class that you want to attend at that specific time. this concept in intended to provide students with a stress-free experience through their higher education years.
Elderly are also welcomed in the building to share their experiences while the youth benefit for that. This can develop a give-take relationship between the two generations.