Universal Education
Name: Yevgen Gozhenko
Nationality: British
Institution: Robert Gordon University
In the world where knowledge becomes more accessible through platforms such as TED, SkillsShare and YouTube, we must question the old school notion of learning/teaching through universities and adapt to the today’s needs of the student.
Learning should not stop once we get our final certification. Our life journey could be about self-improvement and adapting as the demand arises. The strict ideology of studying set material, in set place with set timescales, to receive a set degree, not to mention the cost, limits the potential and defers people from gaining further education.
The Universal Education is an ecosystem which brings knowledge from around the world under one unified educational network. The students are designated a Universal DigiTank (UDT), an online database of their completed courses and professional achievements. The learner has the freedom to pick and choose exactly what to study, how fast to go through the material and where. With a unique DigiTank of knowledge, skills and undertaken work, the students will no longer be pigeon hold by the degrees to stay in the specific fields. The time has come to adapt the educational system to the needs of the student, rather than restricting the student’s potential within system.