Sleeping in preference

TEAM: Loukia Parpi – University Of Nicosia

Τhe ability of choice of man in a hotel.

The project “sleeping in preference” is presenting a hotel called “preference” and gives people the opportunity to choose their privacy or cohabitation with other people. This hotel consists of a movable single space for sleeping which is 8 m2 and a separated part that is the kitchen services space. The single space has storage cupboards, some kitchen stuffs and a tiny bathroom for people who choose to be alone. The single space has the ability to plug-on the kitchen services when people choose to cohabitate. The kitchen services can satisfy up to ten people and can accept up to ten single spaces.

In a box

TEAM: Roxanne Edwards, Adam Milsom – David Brain Partnership


The irregular composition on the site distinguishes the structure from its context and creates a modern space-age design punching the landscape. Large boats assemble the hotel with an onboard crane to fully maximize the quality resources and assemble the hotel with speed and ease. The hotel can grow and be added to overtime by adding more containers.

The principle theme of the project is to generate transitional spaces between outside and inside connect people with views and outside spaces. The hotel is located on an unused plot of land which has never seen any development due to its size. The site is 19 meters wide with a length from 35 to 48 meters. Various transport networks and local sites of interest allowing for good connections to the area and wider sites of Bristol surround the site.

The fluidity of the spaces connects to the landscape. The large angular roof lights progressively get smaller as you navigate yourself through the public spaces and into the private spaces that intertwine you to the building. Currently in the immediate surrounding area there is a lack of community resources and quality public spaces therefore creating a hub with the hotel allows for a Varity of public spaces from work and study spaces to bar and restaurant space with quality outside and well configured spaces.

The building consists of a low-rise hotel consisting of three stories. The ground floor is predominately public space with the far end as hostel rooms. The flexible room configurations provide a variety of quality well thought out spaces for cheap but comfortable accommodation for travels, students to business and families. The Residence’s rooms are distributed on two main levels. The residents have direct access and security-control entrances to their rooms and higher levels. The two main stair cores at either end of the building can access the rooms. A network of high walkways links the rooms with views through the triple height spaces. The room sizes range from singular pods containing just beds and communal showers to private rooms with Juliet balconies to the larger family


The cheap, lightweight, and readily available materials provide a perfect basis for the hotel creating a strong but flexible structure. External walls are insulated trapezoid panels and interior walls are corrugated metal to give you the feel no mater where you are of the structure of the hotel.

Insulated panels are used as cladding and internal walls (placed back to back) to keep the trapezoidal theme throughout the building.

The Soul Of Istanbul

TEAM: İlkin Kavi, Ezgi Sevde Ezgin, Harun Hogir Tekin – Mar Yapı, CFK Architects

The basic purpose of this Project is making travelers feel that they are at home an give the oppurtunity to experience the culture of the place they visit. To reach this purpose, first, it has been decided in which city this project will be. The first priority is to make possible for the travelers design their own rooms also staying in a building reflects the culture, nature and history of İstanbul. To make that happen, we looked for the traditional houses in İstanbul.

The oldest residential areas in İstanbul are in Beyoğlu and coast of Bosphorus. We inspired by the waterside houses (yalı) which contained most of the population of İstanbul back in 1900’s. So we wanted to give that experience to the travelers who comes to this city.

The architecture of the buildings are spacious mostly open areas which can be used for many activities. The rooms are left empty except the main facilities (bathroom, kitchen) for travelers to design their own rooms with the provided (or their own) furniture. Most of the provided furniture are multi functional objects so they can have more space with less furniture or they can choose classic furniture and also divide the rooms they use by a portable screen or curtains. It is all up to the travelers decision. In these living areas all the rooms are in different colors and also the user can draw on the walls or any other place they like. By this, that travelers existence stays on that room.

In this project living areas are charged by the building
administration. To make the
charges cost less we designed the buildings as simple as possible also a mix of traditional and
modern architecture. The structure of the building is solid concrete and facades are covered with
wood, in some areas there are curtain walls.


TEAM: Andrew Pattee – California Polytechnic State University

A Nomadic Approach to Comfort

The project takes a look at the hospitality industry through a study of human perceptions of comfort. The retreat is sited in the San Juan Islands where weather changes quickly and drastically. The site itself is comprised of grassy slopes that roll down to the ocean on the north and fifty foot cliffs, waves crashing at their feet on the south. The two sides are very different from each other in exposure to wind and sunlight as well as their aesthetic character. The project is designed to take advantage of each’s unique, polarizing nature, emphasizing the verticality and exposure on the south and the horizontal aspects and natural protection on the north side.

These very different design features brought on the idea of a nomadic comfort.

The building, though entirely interconnected, contains a living space, bedroom, and bathroom on both the north and the south. This allows the occupants to move in a nomadic way, to wherever they feel most comfortable. The isolated site lends itself to introspection so to promote this, the retreat includes two spaces for contemplation: one rooted in darkness, the other in light. The seclusion also forces self-sufficiency, so the greenhouse and adjacent kitchen are shared between the two sides.

The site was chosen in-person on a kayaking expedition, and the deciding factor was the observed character of the site. The project uses materials and construction techniques that leave the carved out stone uncovered and the site easily relatable, bridging the connection between the occupants and the surroundings.

Urban Camping Network

TEAM: Violeta Bampatzia

An alternative approach to City Tourism.

A modern tourist trend that is constantly evolving is Urban Tourism, otherwise known as City Break.

Thus, expanding the tendency of the City Break and based on the need for alternative economic habitation and exploration of the city centers, the idea of the Urban Camping Network is developed.

The concept of the Urban Camping Network is organized around:  a) an internet based platform, b) the reuse of the abandoned or empty buildings in the city centers  c) the user friendly production technique of transferable habitation units which will be accommodated in the buildings above and d) the provision of additional activities.

Its design is based largely on the way of the classic outdoor camping and is also adapted to the needs and possibilities of the urban environment and the requirements of the urban tourism model. It provides an alternative way of temporary residence in structured tissue of the city, promoting collegiality and interaction of visitors, both among themselves and with local residents.

Urban camping is not limited to the provision of spaces for overnight stay but also for work and other activities, thus creating a functional network of routes and activities through the urban network  (as illustrated in the functional image).

Selected as settlement locations can be abandoned buildings or empty structural shells, capable of hosting the habitation unit of the visitor and the additional activities provided by urban camping.

The area of Psiri in the city of Athens, has been selected as an indicative location for Urban Camping, due to its historical background and its location at the city center. (as illustrated on the maps of functional image).

In regards to the overnight stay of the visitors, a folding, easily movable and transformable habitation unit is provided, which offers the amenities necessary for accommodation, such as sleeping area, workspace and storage space for personal belongings of the visitors.

Contrary to open-air camping, visitors are not required to bring all the required equipment for their accommodation, but only whatever they deem necessary to facilitate their accommodation (e.g., sleeping bag). This greatly facilitates the transportation of visitors to and from the city.

Other than the basic habitation unit, additional panels can be offered for multiple purposes, for example used as  doors, windows or walls.  These panels connect habitation units to each other, creating different typologies of space able to accommodate from up to four persons, (as illustrated in the technical image).

The creation of the Urban Camping could potentially spread to more cities, both in Greece and abroad, thus creating a network of urban tourism.

The future Urban Camping visitor, during the trip planning process, can be connected to the web application, choose the city which he wants to visit and the location to install the habitation unit.  Upon his visit at the urban camping, the visitor receives the reserved habitation unit, integrates it in the selected area and makes himself part of the daily reality of the city. (as illustrated in the presentation image).


Sleepover Jenga

TEAM: Stavroula Anyfanti, Nikolaos Bountas, Giorgos Chrysoulis, Christina Giannaki

Social interaction has always been a driving force in societies. Especially in today’s alienated cities, there is an observable trend of people trying to reinvent the lost sociality of many everyday activities. They come together to cook and eat, to exercise and do sports, to play music and produce art. Simply being with others and doing things together is something that we almost lost and now we want back.

Having the above in mind we remembered our childhood sleepovers and realised thatsleeping can be a social experience too. So, we came up with a board game which is alsoa place to sleep:

The Sleepover Jenga hotel edition


This is a game inspired by the well-known “Jenga” board games series. In fact it is a room-sized, fluffy, truth or dare Jenga, designed escpecially for sleepovers. Its parts are originally playful and funny challenges and interesting “get-to- know each-other” questions that turn into custom made furniture during the game and become the very beds, players will sleep in when the game is over.

The means…:

The whole game is easy to manufacture on your own even with different variations, or alternatively someone could purchase it and play with friends, but what we have envisaged is something quite different, a whole new social sleeping experience. Our concept of the Sleepover Jenga is only possible through an agency with an online application where anyone, from a spare room owner to a hotel director, can make one or more rooms available for the game, with or without charge. Potential players, can choose those rooms through a map and then make groups with others, through their profiles in the application. In this way a network of people, who come together to play and sleep, is created.

…to an end:

Innovation and new ideas come from re-thinking and re-imagining regular and conventional things. The Sleepover Jenga is just one way to combine social sleeping habbits with a specific board game, though there could be many others. The basic idea behind it is to create and manage sleeping space in a playful and sociable way. And we hope to spread this idea.

Take Your Time

TEAM: Anastasia Lekkou, Marisa Daouti – National Technical University of Athens, Scob Architects

An open-air sleeping experience.

The project suggests a step-back. It’s a step back from the hectic life of the city and a step back from the contemporary lifestyle of restrained social relations. That means that the space of sleep should be understood as an extended place of relaxation and reflection that differentiates from luxurious facilities and stuck-up hotel rooms. The idea is to bring back the act of sleeping outside as an opportunity to connect with the city, with the society and yourself. Inspired by Nietzsche’s “Denkraum”, the structure is a place where one can be alone among others, able to find social spaces and privacy inside a unified common space. The garden, the inner space of the pavilion represents the intimate and private, while the wooden deck is a common living space, where the social interaction takes place.

Once the guest has booked his/her place, he/ she can get a key to the “room” from the two pickup points, which gives access to the dormitories. The entrance is located on the ground floor, so that the traveller reaches the facilities directly from the city level. Firstly, he/she encounters the private bathroom and the stairs that lead to the sleeping area on the upper floor. There, each traveller is prompted to explore and experiment with the tools given by the design. A type of engagement with the structure is desired in this case, one that makes the user the immediate moderator of his/her personal space. This kind of self-involvement, the sense that you “build” your own shelter, is the key to achieve a connection between the user and architecture. In addition, because of the fact that each personal space isn’t defined by structural limits, but on the contrary, the limits are liquid, the temporary sense of territory, the one that makes us feel like home outside home, is achieved not by means of property or money exchange, but by the personal interaction with it. That is the reason why every unit consists of mechanically transformable elements.

The central part of every personal space is the bed, a big hammock that you choose when you book and hang yourself adapting the width and the height from four metal columns. The hammock can be sliced to the side liberating the space that is defined by the four metal columns, that along with two tall hanging semitransluscent curtains that form a corner shape, offers a three-sided visual isolation. A part of the wooden deck functions as a personal storage and relaxation space. Two underground storage boxes can be used to save luggage and personal items, and another one that is equipped with electrical plugins, can also be converted to a deck chair and a multi-use surface. Finally, a foldable waterproof sheet is located on top of the sleeping areas to protect from weather and the sun.


TEAM: Matt Goeser, Jimmy Rohr, Ian McLaughlin, Jordan Albers, Alyssa Sandrof – KTGY Architecture + Planning

Businesses in urban cores frequently pay high premiums for ideal locations. Due to substantial expenses and overhead, business owners often strive for more efficiency in the use of their space and resources. However some spaces are ubiquitous, whether required by local codes or previously built into the building’s fabric. Entry vestibules are a necessary, utilitarian part of the buildings composition; providing a transitional conditioned space between indoors and outdoors. Most buildings, whether initially designed or retrofitted, incorporate some variation of a vestibule or anteroom from the entry. However, these spaces are not profitable or usable for businesses. They make no revenue during the day and at night they close with the business. Vestibules are inherently inefficient and under-performing spaces.

Imagine if a system existed to capture this space and make it profitable for the company while usable for the customer. Comparing the hours of operations for a typical shop with a hotel’s, a codependent relationship was realized. Off-hours for many businesses coincide with peak hours of hotel use in the evening. Examining which parts of a business could function as an impromptu hotel, the entry vestibule allows enough space while providing the desired security from the streetscape and separation from the interior shop.

The vest( i )bule hotel activates these un-used spaces, distilling accommodations down to basic components. Housed in an interior, adaptable doorframe, the room deploys from the frame and inflates allowing it to be infinitely scale-able and conform to different spatial constraints.

These accommodations appeal to individuals looking to experience the city at an intimate level, participating in the ebb and flow of people through the span of a day. A network of locations across city centers allow visitors the convenience of staying within areas they are exploring by day while providing an affordable minimalism of shelter at night. This offers a unique perspective to the resident, allowing them to observe the city on a more holistic level.

In today’s sharing culture the vest( i )bule hotel is accessed the same as any service; via a smartphone app. The app gains the user access to the vest( i )bule while simultaneously inflating it to be occupied. Inhabiting the space, the occupant can utilize rest or refresh mode. Rest mode features an integral, inflatable bed made of the same polyvinyl translucent double membrane as the walls and ceiling of the room. Refresh mode inflates an additional chamber accessed from the first and allows the user to shower or use the facilities stored within the doorframe. When morning comes, an ambient light and alarm alerts the user of the business’s opening, allowing time to exit the vest( i )bule. Upon the start of the business day, the room deflates and the entry vestibule returns to its innocuous use as circulation space

As the evening again draws near and stores close up for the night, vest( i )bule hotels deploy in shops all over the city. Providing affordable, convenient accommodations for guests while generating additional income for business owners.

Through Fast Fusion

TEAM: Elena Siakou – University of Nicosia

Sleeping areas in fusion with other services for the fast track tourism.

This project proposes temporary accommodations “fused” with other activities for the fast track tourism of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The passenger port is very important for San Juan, as the tourists can have the access from the sea and then explore the city. Also one of the famous attractions is the castle San Cristobal so both will be the connection points for the proposition. Also important parts of the proposal are the existing buildings: the casino and the school of art. The multifunctional program allows to tourists for a quick game at the exterior side of the casino. The structure will be attached to the existing building.

The proposal provides a fused intensified experience in 1-2 days instead of 1 week that they would do in normal conditions. As strategy the extreme temporariness and permanence will be used, both on structure and function. Permanent are considered the layered walls as opposed to the temporary mechanisms-elements, in between them. They will be used to accommodate more people and allow the cross program to happen.

A programmatic route will start from the port until the castle that will accommodate the extra services with the sleeping units. The extra services will be all the additional activities to satisfy the tourists’ needs: eating areas (both fast food and traditional), entertainment areas for traditional festivals and a parade that will start from the beginning and ends to the castle side, on the natural beach. People will jump for swimming in the final stage. Also two types of shopping: a railway with clothes and the other type with accessories or souvenirs. As main part, the sleeping areas will divided in different categories according to people’s different sleeping or resting needs during the day. One type is the individual spaces only with beds that will be placed to the entire route for a nap as they walking. Additionally, the other sleeping units can open and create larger communal space for eating. All the activities will be integrated such as the sleeping with the shopping railway as well as the movable sunbathing platforms that can be the other type of sleeping or resting. Other facilities such as public bathrooms and changing rooms will be fused with the other activities. Finally, screens will be placed mainly to castle area so tourists can take photos and post them on social media.


TEAM: Eleftheria Makroglou-Panousaki, Paul-Andreas Kitromilides

Millions of available rooms…instantly!

Hômtel was principally conceived to expand the places where people could stay in cities, for a short time and with a low budget. But the ambition, was also a project environmentally respectful, where existent unexploited spaces would be ”re-use”.

The solution? Using to good advantage, an other problem of our cities: The empty homes in Europe. Indeed, first revealed by the Guardian in 2014, in Europe there are 11 million of empty homes. More specifically, a research conducted by the INSEE ( National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies) in France, claimed that in Ile-de-France – region of Paris – the percentage of empty lodges was attempting the 6 %! It is important to notice, that the definition for an ’empty home’ by the aforementioned research, included homes: for sale/rent, already sale/rent but not occupied yet, conserved for exploitation in the futur, pending for succession, without reason.

Hômtel provide inexpensive places to stay, satisfying students, tourists, but also people who need to book on the spot. The concept of Hômtel was developed considering three central aspects : Flexibility, Conversion and Adaptation.

Find & Book – The Stand
The stand Find & Book will be provided with an interactive screen, where

people will Find on the map an available empty home and Book it. The movable structure, will permit to be transported and placed in important public spaces (ex. train stations, squares, etc.).

Bed & Chair-The Kit
The main idea was to create a folding kit that could be converted and used in

any environment. A transportable backpack, that could offer the essential furniture to stay in a place. A bed, a chair with a table or just a chair. The whole kit so compact, that it could be converted in an easily transportable bag. The purpose was to furnish instantly an empty home.

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