The Nostalgia
Year: 5th
Function: Interactive Sea Explorer Musem
Site location: Festival Boulevard – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Institution: American University In Dubai / Thesis
Brief description of the project: If it wasn’t for sea explorations , we would have been living on half the land we are living on .
All sea exploration journeys begin with an aim, direction and strength, these notions are all embodied in the main element which is the ship. Basically the ship and the journey are both independent none of them can stand on its own without the other. Therefore, the journey such as the journey that is being created in this museum cannot be complete without being influenced by the ship .
So, basically my project is a journey were people will experience the different obstacles that the Sea Explorers went through. People can observe, learn and deeply store past occurrences in their memories
Nationality: Lebanese
Contacts: https://www.behance.net/gallery/30904473/The-Nostalgia-Thesis http://archcase.com/patrick/portfolio/the-nostalgia-thesis/
City and date of birth: Dubai – 07/02/93
If it wasn’t for sea explorations , we would have been living on half the land we are living on .
Good afternoon
I would like to welcome you to this interactive museum
The nostalgia: the word itself reflects a certain tale or chronicle . But if we go back to it’s origin the word can be divided into 2 parts notos and algos . Nostos is returning home while algos is pain . So according to a famous saying which says A journey without pain is a journey without a treasure .
All sea exploration journeys begin with an aim, direction and strength, these notions are all embodied in the main element which is the ship. Basically the ship and the journey are both independent none of them can stand on its own without the other. Therefore, the journey such as the journey that is being created in this museum cannot be complete without being influenced by the ship .
Back in time a tribe called the bbani yas tribe settled in dubai and depended on fishing and sailing, back then, the ships and boats where used in order to trade and find food, therefore they were the elements that helped in the “on going” of life. Similarly this museum has been placced in this area in order to give a rebirth of it’s surrounding and refresh it.
So, basically my project is a journey were people will experience the different obstacles that the Sea Explorers went through. People can observe, learn and deeply store past occurrences in their memories
The concept of the design is mainly inspired by the shape and details of the ship . It all starts from the major part which is the mast the focal point of the ship . As we all know a ship without its mast is a ship lost in the sea and is miss directed similarly this museum’s focal point is a central dome which connects all the parts of the project together and directs the visitors to the next experience. The shape of the dome is derived from the explorers’ tool the quadrant which was used for sky observations, this is achieved by the slanted angle of the trusses that direct to the voids created in the dome for this specific purpose. the use of a dome and not any other volume shape is influenced by the number of axes which is explained by the idea that a circular shape can restrain an infinite number of axes, this therefore helps create the connections used by the axes in this project. The use of axes to connect the surrounding experiences and spaces come from the connections created by the ship ropes that are primarily attached to the ship mast. The spaces and the axes constructed are reliant on each other according to the call out to the space, 3 axes are shown in this project the first axis is towards Al jadaf which is an ancient boat exhibition . 2 axis is towards burjkhalifa and new dubai and finally the 3rd axis is toward old dubai. The main element containing the journey of this museum acts as the backbone of the project enclosing many routes and experiences that sum up the main experiences undergone by the historical sea explorers, the area where the interaction between the building and the visitors mostly happens as can be seen inthis section model.(refer to the section model) different heights are being achieved referring to the fear of high waves throughout the sea journeys, in addition to …
The separated yet connected circular volumes of the museum are strongly influenced by the compass, one of the main journeys’ tools, not just by their circular shapes but by their function which after each experience undergone in each volume it directs the visitors to the upcoming space or experience.
There are 3 key expressions that can sum up the journey done by the explorers which are
Hope / odyssey / fear
Hope : From the elevated part of the entrance the visitors will be able to view the site at al jadaf initiating a feel of aspiration and hope to reach to that area
Curiosity : are achieved by creating a lot of mysterious and hidden pathways
Fear : Is achieved by taking into advantage the level and height in order to make it mysterious
So according to the routes of the explorers I traced some explorers routes which helped me to form these spaces .
Amerigo vespucci : During his voyage his aim was to built ships and travel . so according to that experience I form a travel that will take place from the mian building to al jadaf which is an ancient boat exhinbition
Christopher colombus : during his voyage he passed through different obstacles such as hurricane tragedy and waterfalls , Due to that experience I from this storm experience and wind experience
How is it interactive
I achieved the communication between the building and the visitors by adding different experiences such as play of light , level , wind ,storm , and so on
Explain your concept in a sentence ;
Interactive sea explorers museum that restore the importance of old dubai in a modern sense
Why dome?
2 Reasons
Is has a lot of axis and it’s a focal point which the ship has it which is the mast
Second reason the function derived from the quadrant which is an explorer tool they used it as an sky observation as we can see in this section the trusses act as a support and slanted in acertain direction so people will be able to observe the sky through the opening in the dome .
Why sea exploration
The main element façade was derived from the dhow boat technique . As we all know the dhow boat technique used wood to form the shape of ship which helped me form the facade of the my project
Author: Patrick Joseph Finianos