Urban Reactivation Strategies. Fuencarral 1960 – 2015
Title: Urban Reactivation Strategies. Fuencarral 1960 – 2015
Year : 1956 – January 2015 – 2050
Function: Urban reactivation, micro equipments, domestic space, flexibility, accesibility
Site location: Poblado Dirigido de Fuencarral, Madrid, Spain
Nationality: Spanish
City and date of birth: Madrid, 24 – 04 – 1991
University / Institution : Universidad de Alcalá / Escuela de Arquitectura.
Tutors: Fernando Quesada
Contacts: virginiadjh@gmail.com
The “Poblado Dirigido de Fuencarral”, located north of Madrid, was built by Jose Luis Romany in 1960. The project is proposed at various scales; City Connection-Fuencarral Urban, hybridization of housings, topographic and ergonomic-accessible scale. The creation of two bands that connect the urban equipment originally raised in 1960. Both are designed to level 0 and based on the very topography of Fuencarral, which reaches vary around 10 m from one point to another of the neighborhood. Both bands are projected to have continuity with the equipment, now abandoned, reactivating it and creating activity in the neighborhood. These urban bands to carry with topographic elevation level height growth at certain points, in the form of prosthesis to create five types hybrid flexible housing with the highest unemployment and worst condition to revive the neighborhood and give it its life!
AERIAL VIEW Or how to discover Madrid from another point of view. Gesture to Ralph Erskine. URBAN SCALE STRATEGIES POWERS OF 10. URBAN PROJECT 3 SCALES. 2 URBAN STRIPS: CULTURAL AND COMMERCIAL Graphic scale Axonometric view of Poblado Dirigido de Fuencarral HOLISTIC STRATEGY Some zoom details of the project at urban scale: 1. Section of the street NEIGHBORHOOD 2. TOPOGRAPHY PLAN. Graphic scale An existing parameter as a strategy. An urban park! 3. A STREET A NEIGHBORHOOD A MARKET. BEFORE ©Images: 20minutos & EL PAIS ECONOMIA AFTER “Full of life, of living smiles and children playing in the street.” DWELLING SCALE. DOMESTIC SPACE. (improve a living neighborhood, building open spaces, a system with the possibility of change ambients) 3 PROPOSED TYPOLOGIES. The housing near the train, In the new commercial equipment street, In the cultural equipment street. “…As many possiblities as the people behind the space…” Graphic scale MANIFIESTO: H-U-M-A-N S-C-A-L-ERECYCLE water
ATMOSPHERES. “My home is my paradise”. LIVING INSIDE, Change, Flexibility and Sensitive Domesticity5 strategies in the dwelling scale:
section of the evolution of public space 1956 – 2015
PHASE 1. 1956-2015
PHASE 3. SECTION 1956-2040
Author: Virginia de Jorge Huertas