Year : 2010
Function: open public space.
Site location: Ariccia, Rome, Italy.
University / Institution : università di Valle Giulia, LaSapienza, Rome.
Nationality: italian.
City and date of birth: Rome , 24-09-1985
Tutors: Stefano Mavillio, Carlo Valorani
Brief Description of the project:
the project of Unvolumes try to deal with issue of how to reconnect an historical city centre to the surronding build environment. The approach of an unvolumetric architecture is used as a way to change the interaction between people, ordinary and extra ordinary users, and the gold coins of the city (a design of Bernini for the plaza, square and main palace and the monumental bridge) and at the same time is trying to not overlap the already extremely complex urban fabric. The idea is to not add “vertical” architecture but to link through an“horizontal”design.
Author: Futura Falco