Name: Michelle Friesen
Nationality: Canadian
Institution: Ryerson University | Toronto, Ontario
Name: Jinwon (Jane) Kim
Nationality: Korean, Canadian
Institution: Ryerson University | Toronto, Ontario
Name: Samantha Turchyn
Nationality: Canadian
Institution: Ryerson University | Toronto, Ontario
Are we inside? Or are we outside?
Is the virus here? Or is it there?
Are you here for [my] place or [your] place?
Or just here to [buy] – to share in [our] space?
We can have a picnic in [our] nook.
Or walk around and take a look?
[Buy] some socks or grab a bite?
Then we part ways, we say goodnight
I come back to [my] space
You wave from [your] staircase
Farewell for today
[Our] pandemic getaway
The struggle for small businesses to maintain sufficient income in order to survive a world of isolation is our goal. [Your] Space [My] Place [Our] Space [Buy] Place combines ideas of healthfulness and economic opportunities throughout its retail zones, residential housing units, and outdoor recreational spaces. Communal spaces that supports the natural ventilation of outdoor air prevents airborne viral pathogens from becoming trapped in unwanted indoor areas. Thus, the design of flexible retail spaces at ground level and open terraces throughout the upper storeys allow for safer interactions between bodies. Each residential unit entryway has been equipped with laundry units, handwashing basins and UV-ray compartments for disinfecting delivered parcels and individuals exposed to the outside public world.
#your #my #our #buy #co-habitation #greenspace #drseuss-architecture #delivery #retail #nonarchitecture #socialdistancing #pandemic #housingblock #alternativehousing #homeisolation #loneliness #personalgrowth #smallbusiness