Enjoy Visiting
Name: Jeein Kang
Nationality: Republic of Korea
Institution / Company: University of Seoul
Name: Mijung Park
Nationality: Republic of Korea
Institution / Company: University of Seoul
We are cut off from public facilities because of the Covid 19 virus. And with social distancing, people are losing their laughter. We thought of living with a visiting community, not people visiting.
Each public facilities are divided into one room at an amusement park and visiting the people who want it. And people maintain cleanliness through sterilized rooms with balcony functions. This sterilization room acts as the buffer space of an amusement park and people’s private rooms. People can enjoy laundry rooms, gymnasiums, and movie theaters that have been used for public use through each ride room as needed. The amusement park with joy comes to those who have lost their daily environment due to covid19.
#Enjoy #AmusementPark #Community #Wecan #Safe