The Scarlet Tapestry of the World could burn without Collaboration between its creators
by Mariana Díaz
“Inclusion is a philosophy that embraces the idea that everyone has something of value to contribute and that everyone has a right to belong”. ~ Lisa Friedman
With the eyes closed the body grows transparent, the feeling of it persists, a complex network of rivers coursing through. Threads emanating from the heart and flowing out from the pinkie, intertwining a thousand times with the strings of others, connecting them. Bound together by Fate itself. Crisscrossing and knitting itself, creating the scarlet tapestry of the world.
According to the Japanese legend, “the red thread tells us that within the labyrinth of encounters and shared stories there is a predesigned and perfect path, a scarlet string which, like that of Ariadne, connects us with our irrevocable destination placed at the edge of another string that will also lead to us”. Something that connects us all.
Everyone is unique in this world there is not a soul that is the same, but every single one deserves to have their needs and rights met, the world should aim for equity and inclusion, individuals should not have to conform to the majority’s opinion and cultural, social and behavioral norms. If the wishes and needs one does not harm another, why are they not being met? Everyone should have access to opportunities to learn, play and live.
People judges others easily in ignorance of what that person may truly be, based on rumor or stigma the surrounding of the judger may be, “We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are” (Anais Nin). The meaning that people assign to a person does not define them.
Another’s person personality should not be assumed based on their appearance, circumstance, or opinion on a subject. Eyes open to the possibilities. Heart open for acceptance. Mind free of judgement. “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” (Nelson Mandela, The Long Walk to Freedom)
A society is more powerful, when people empower each other. How cities adapt to different situations create a chain reaction of events that will affect their future. The connection to nature and natural processes a city may have, would improve its citizen’s wellbeing.
The ideal society would be one were people support each other, where the economy thrives in a sustainable and ecological environment, where exists a vast range of new developing technologies every day. Where the architecture and justice system are accessible and accepting to all regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, language, origin, religion, economic, or other status. Where people are kind, helpful, supportive, collaborative and happy… Is this an achievable fairytale? Actions have a unique potential to change the world, change starts with one person, all the domino’s pieces will fall later.
“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth” – African proverb
BrightSide. n.d. The Red String of Fate: A beautiful Japanese legend. [online] Available at: https://brightside.me/wonder-curiosities/the-red-string-of-fate-a-beautiful-japanese-legend-140105/
Faena Aleph. n. d. The Legend of the Red String of Japan. [online] Available at: https://www.faena.com/aleph/the-legend-of-the-red-string-of-japan
Rajan, N., 2019. The Red Thread of Fate.. [online] Medium. Available at: https://nikhilrajan48.medium.com/the-red-thread-of-fate-35c1a55c2876