preview lifeworlds or heterounity of feelings
by Vanda Trifunović
At the beginning there was the Feeling of Self. People become aware of space and sound by deciding that they aren’t everything Else, Else being everything that they multisensory observe. To be together means to form a certain kind of heterogeneous unity with someone or something that originally isn’t part of us physically. Keeping that in mind, people have actually been living together from the moment that first variety show and breaking news appeared on TV and that “a-ha” feeling happened. And since TV is the closest thing to multirepresentation of what Else (read: everything that’s not Me but I acknowledge that exists anyway) is, ” Imitation is the sincerest form of television ” explains a lot of what being (together) means in this heterounity that we love to still define as society, so we don’t feel excluded. Tv experience has done true Darwinian survival into other social medias. People used to wait before something that they like would appear on schedule, but now they are able to scroll through and shape what they want to link themselves to instantly and do it almost unconscious, a priori/without reasoning. By previewing Other’s lifeworlds through their curated collection of snapshots, we form askew idea of what we are in comparison, placing our realself in someone else’s virtualfrontyard. The same mixture of tangible and dreamy is found everywhere. With feelings being that final result of mirroring One’s overall context, every individual and its lifeworld can be seen as a Feeling, representing blending of One with its own environment, a sort of preview of compilation of all experiences, whether they are tactile (external) or virtual (internal). Architecture is one of the most obvious representations of togetherness of palpable ideas, it’s a desire to form. It can never be universal, only specific and vulnerable.