Conversion and Production Station / Representation of the New World
Author name: Ezgi LEBLEBİCİ
Instagram account/s: @ezgileb or @leb.ez
Website, blog:
Fundemantal question is Can we take one step further from Le Corbusier’s House as a Machine for Living towards the /design as a machine for survival.Representation are chancing , there is a manipulation mean of staue of liberty as a recovery machine, symbolize the salvation the seven ocean and seven continents of the world.
Re-cover , architectural and urban reflection after Le Corbusier’S Machine For Living.
Fundemantal question is Can we take one step further from Le Corbusier’s House as a Machine for Living towards the /design as a machine for survival.
Representation are chancing , there is a manipulation mean of staue of liberty as a recovery machine, symbolize the salvation the seven ocean and seven continents of the world.
Thanks to this movable shell, the program in the interior is dynamically designed.
Thanks to the shell in which algae panels and hypertonic water systems are organized, indoor air quality is ensured, while the formation of a breathing barrier in the exterior is considered.