Name: GuangYou Zheng
Nationality: CHINA
Institution / Company: Freelance Artist
-FINALIST of Re-Draw.04: Centre Pompidou Competition
Among the numerous works of architectural masters PIANO’s Pompidou is undoubtedly a work like a “heavenly book”.
It is often interpreted and appreciated through the complex relationship of volumes and the interplay of lines that can be felt only on the surface.
Repainting “Pompidou” is more of a tribute to the great master and more of a feeling and search.
The purpose of redrawing “Pompidou” is to express my respect for the great masters, and to feel and seek more about painting.
For me, in the dialogue with great works of art, all I can do is to draw one point after another, one straight line after another on the whitest and cleanest paper with the most humble mind.
But through the process of cultivating the general “copy painting” of the heavenly book, each line in the painting is a journey of seeking and communicating with the artwork and the master’s heart. I want to put each facade of the building around the positive perspective deconstruction around the way to better interpret the linear relationship and volume relationship of the building.
#hand-painted #Salute #Redraw-Return #Deconstructing Perspectives #Conversation