Cubic-19, Hygiene Hub with Steam Bath
Name: Lama Alkadi
Nationality: Syria
Institution / Company: Master Student, Faculty of Architecture, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Name: Fabrizio Canessa
Nationality: Paraguay
Institution / Company: Master Student, Faculty of Architecture, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Name: Andrea Santos
Nationality: El Salvador
Institution / Company: Master Student, Faculty of Architecture, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
It is amazing how something as simple as personal hygiene could save the world. That is why this pavilion wants to celebrate that simple but powerful process.
Located on a university campus (Karlsruhe, Germany) and accessible for students and faculty members, the pavilion is made of a scaffold-like structure, that develops from solid walls to more ephemeral borders: acrylic panels, polycarbonate, fabrics, steam.
The hub recognizes the different tempi and social approaches to hygiene rituals. The higher the degree of cleanliness and purification one wants to reach, the deeper into the pavilion one goes, the more permeable it will become and the more one will be rewarded architecturally and socially.
Entering the hub from the outside world is an individual experience: you do not want to interact with others until you are sure you and others are clean, odorless or disinfected.
The pavilion offers an outer layer for hand-washing, fever-measurements and disinfestation (must). Going deeper into the cleaning process, one first enters a normal bathroom (basic) and then the showers (deep). The center is occupied by a steam bath (pure): a cloud. It proposes to take a sauna socially, a democratic place where all are equal (no distinctive clothes, equal in range and cleanliness). The process ends by one’s dressing, beautifying and departure from the pavilion.
The complete cleansing of body and mind is rewarded with steam, companionship, open skies and peace.
#Hygiene&PreventingContamination #Mental&PhysicalHealth #SafeSocialInteraction #Purification&Beutification #MitigatingIsolation