House City Theater
Name: Patrizio M. Martinelli
Nationality: Italian
Institution / Company: Miami University, USA
The lockdown and the quarantine forced us to live in our houses, detached from the urban realm, the place of the collective par excellance. The project aims to emphasize how the house can be interpreted as a collective urban microcosm, bringing into the private realms the city’s spatial complexity and theatricality. Therefore, the archetype to look at is Cesariano’s interpretation of the primitive hut: a series of wooden houses facing a common space. The house I designed is a composition of private rooms, open to the main central public core (a conversation pit), emphasizing the inhabitant’s privacy and separation. Equipped movables walls allow the transformation of the space in an open interior, with views and flows from and towards the exterior (a natural landscape, a garden, a park), multiplying the opportunities to use the space, thanks to movable furniture that can be arranged for different purposes and functions. The house is a kaleidoscopic device that switches from open to close, from private to public, from centripetal to centrifugal. It’s a theatrical stage, with movable and interchangeable equipped backgrounds and scenes where the “play of life” and the private and public “expression of self” could take place in multiple ways.
#Household Organization #Co-habitation & Relationships #Theater House & City #Flexible & #Adaptable Interiors