A New Normal | Public gathering in a post-pandemic world
Name: Shravan Iyer
Nationality: Indian
Institution / Company:
-FINALIST of HEALING Competition
To understand social distancing norms post the pandemic, a set of isotropic grids (2m x 2m) are formulated complimenting the urban public life. The grid initiates logical solutions by following a set of rules. A Public Park and two typologies of Performance are understood via a linear pattern of planning.
Post-pandemic planning will call for a very different understanding of public life and culture. With the help of fabric separators, minimum infrastructure and seating modules, entry is restricted to not more than four individuals preventing contamination and direct contact in each module. Sanitation pits located at regular intervals help in maintaining Public space sanitation. The proposed park, visually frames multiple smaller gardens, giving one a sense of being in a park without actually being in one. Private gardens and Hammocks are separated by fabric restricting interaction and crowding.
The Performance Space and the Park together as repeating modules ensure strict gathering of people by enforcing a set of rules to be followed stressing on the relationship between the built and the unbuilt in the most efficient and humane manner.
#Cities #Norm #Gathering #Intimate #Sanitation #PublicSpaceSanitation