City of Vitality – Building Sustainable and Resilient Neighbourhoods
Name: Alexandra Earland
Nationality: British, Finnish
Institution / Company: University of Sheffield
City of Vitality is a smart city model focused on the four metacons of creating a sustainable city socially, economically, environmentally and digitally. The model can be tailored to a specific environment, whilst transforming brownfield sites into sustainable, resilient, circular and socially cohesive neighbourhoods.
The City of Vitality model promotes a human-centred approach where citizens can co-create their smart suburb to enhance social equality and nurture a sense of ownership. Citizens can participate in the creation and maintenance of their smart-suburb by becoming involved in activities such as urban farming. Socio-economic variation will be the key element to ensure inclusion, for example providing mortgage free leases on housing.
In response to the climate emergency, the proposal will interweave new buildings with the existing ones, whilst using circular economic principles and low embodied carbon materials where possible. The model aims to create a zero-waste community through recycling materials that can be converted to energy or re-used on site to create new building materials.
Alongside walking and cycling, adoption of smart transport such as electric cars will be encouraged. Residents from multiple households will share cars and resources. Digital interface will be used to support and enhance residents’ daily lives.
#smartcity #sustainabileimpact #circulareconomy #climate #citizenparticipation