We want to dance again
Name: Bazillon Elléa
Nationality: French
Institution / Company: Graduated from the National Architecture School of Bordeaux (ENSAPBX)
Recent events related to the covid crisis have had a significant impact on the world of “culture”, left behind in this crisis and largely ignored by political institutions. Before this, the places of night life, defined as the “chronic heterotropies” of our societies, were bubbling places of creation, imagination and sharing. Rather attached to the private sphere, these places are now economically threatened.
“The celebration”, which from an anthropological point of view can be defined as a fundamental cultural practice and social ritual, can no longer take place in the same way as before because its very foundation: “the gathering” is no longer possible, or limited.
This project proposes to resolve this crisis of culture through the concept of an ephemeral structure taking place in the public space allowing users to dance while maintaining security. Hanging circles of light create small dance bubbles. The proposal explores the possibility of making social distancing not “endured” but “suggested” and to make forget the notion of limit. It suggests a behaviour of the body in space through a circular grid that develops around a central space dedicated to artistic creation.
#Integrationofdiversesocialgroups #politicaluseofspace #culturaldiversity #digitalvsphysicalspace #publicspaceorganisationandmaintenance