Name: Monica Sandulli
Nationality: Italy
Institution / Company: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Name: Carmen Guarino
Institution / Company: Università degli Studi di Roma Tre
Streets are lines of flight of cities’ public life.
They are mostly walkable and quiet, only few are reserved for automated-guided transit. Drones’ traffic overflies them, providing community services and information.
People always occupy the streets, interplaying with the phygital urban layers according to their real-time needs and desires. Streets host multiple uses thanks also to the buildings’ Public Ground Floor. The reappropriation of the streets by people make them safe, this is crucial within an educating city.
Sensors are spread all over the infrastructure: they collect reference data for maintaining environmental health and biodiversity, and for allowing the neighbourhood participatory processes through which space is daily reconfigured. Data are tools of awareness, not anymore unconscious work’s product: they question and can be questioned to change urban practices.
Augmented Materiality binds the digital layer with this social and eco-systemic living network of entanglements. Streets reconfiguration can be there collectively discussed, experimented, and designed by inhabitants. From the modular and versatile street furniture to the open-source algorithms, the space production flows through playful and active forms of self-organization. These political processes cross over protests, game sessions, conflicts, confrontation, inequalities; these are all starting points for creative and expressive space configurations.
#Creative placemaking #Phygital #Playfulness #OpenSource #Citizen participation in decision-making